Celebratory Stories about Young Adults today, from Military Family deployments to
some from early life in challenging circumstances.
Finding oneself and inner voice, self esteem through writing, photojournalism and teamwork.
Included: the “Secret” mix of how to build your own program of “Backpackers” to achieve success!
Lesson Plans and Resources for camps and afterschool enrichment – K – 12!
From service across our nation to National Guard and US Army Reserve Families, to coming home to Charleston, SC – read stories about the kids now adults serving in their communities!
“Be Me, Everyday!” that’s what I learned from A Backpack Journalist.” Cameron, US Army Fort Campbell. Florida.
“I put it (A Backpack Journalist) on the job application that I recently acquired what we did. The writing, the script writing and song writing and photography all lessons and the teamwork.” Daniel “Masterpiece” Jones, US Army Reserves (ARTP) New Orleans, Louisiana.
“When I trace my story, A Backpack Journalist is a central chapter. It shaped my love for writing and connecting with military families during the formative years of my youth, molding me into the person I am today.”. Hannah Rauhut, US Army, Germany.
“In the classroom there are pass/fail parameters, and within A Backpack Journalist we are allowed and encouraged to try different things – from writing to taking photos. NO pass fail”. Jessica Taylor, Kansas National Guard Youth. Kansas.
“The Language of Resilience: I am, I have, I can!” Pauletta Washington & Diane Louie, California.
“From discussing the power of film with Pauletta Washington to meeting Senator Clinton during her presidential campaign, my memories of A Backpack Journalist are rich with unparalleled opportunities.” Livesey “A Backpack Journalist” Intern, Charleston, South Carolina.
“Learning by Serving” is a critical component of our four-year leadership development model at The Citadel. We loved matching our volunteers with the Backpack Journalists because they learned so much at a variety of levels”. Dr. Conway Saylor, Retired Director of Service Learning and Civic Engagement at The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina.
From a South Carolina Vietnam Veteran, following A Backpack Journalist teen interview and collection of their oral history: ““It was hard at first for me. I was a POW, but the young man seemed to want to console me, and he understood my daily prayers that got me through.” Columbia, South Carolina for “In their own words!” film.
Interviews continue with: Apple Education, US Army Reserves and Retired, Deputy Political Editor of The Washington Post, The Gary Sinise Foundation, Public School Administrators, Dr. Fred Medway, Psychologist’s review of outcome of program participants, and then from the kids themselves!
Book page count 237 pages.
included 10 pages of photographs
And Lesson plans and detail templates.
Easily aligned to standards, and considered supplimental curriculum.
AMAZON books after August 12, 2024