Day Two – Harbor Adventure Continues!
Day 2 – included a press conference at the SC Ports!
Day Two: We began our day greeted by Kelsi, in communications at SC Port Authority, and before the van even left the school, we had some great new shades! Thanks Kelsi! We toured today Wando and Columbus Street Terminals, with each a lot of activity going on. At Wando trucks were everywhere moving the containers, and at Columbus, we parked and watched as the brand new BMW’s were driven onto the Garage Ship! So today, we were on the other side of the big ships, and saw firsthand how efficient the SC Port is and how it all works! Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Kelsi as she drove us at each terminal would always ask: “Ok so who has been on a tour?” Many of our backpackers in the afterschool program, had. But, as she shared, well, some of our cranes are taller (115 feet) and take a look at these white containers. “Do you know what we ship in these”. Out of the back of the van a voice answered: “Well they are refrigerated right?” So today, a lot of food like chickens and medicines are moved in these containers. As we drove out, we stopped long enough to put on a hard hat and vest, for a group picture. Mentioned to us that later in the day the SCPA would be holding a special announcement at a press conference, we immediately wanted to attend. It was a FIRST! SCPA has hired the first 18-year old, graduate from N. Charleston High School. We will soon add our interview with him to our video channel! Congrats AJ Richburg. Jr.

and to the SC Port Authority team – we thank you for your hospitality!