Inspiration – where does it come from?
overheard while uploading lots of photos…
Where does inspiration come from? Recently I was asked about our young student film makers camp upcoming this summer.
Last year very talented young people fro…m 4th grade and up, created 7 great documentary shorts. And, had lots of fun. We learned alot too.
Reflecting on that 6 days,, there were a few special moments, and one came when I overheard two young students talking while sitting on the floor working with their ipads. They were only rising 5th graders, and already making animated shorts. With background music, and also with hand drawn illustrations that each had turned into animated art on their own Overheard:. “so what school do you go to? Oh, ok. What are you making? Ok, let me see if I can show you something.”
All of a sudden I hear the sounds of a car starting and it came from the young man’s mouth as he blew air through his lips. To funny I thought, and looked over to see the seriousness on his face, and that of the young girl next to him. She was building a fish story. Rising 4th graders then took the time to show me how they did it. Imagine that!
Can’t wait for the Lowcountry Film Makers Camps to start – either at Burke or East Cooper Montessori Charter School.