Save the Dates: March 22 -26, 2023

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Mount Pleasant, SC Film Festival – featuring Charlie Chaplin’s Silent Films?

Bringing to the lowcountry of SC, a Film Festival devoted to the Creative Genius of Charles Chaplin.

Plus, a Chaplin Scholar is joining us – Dr. Toni Bowers from the University of Pennsylvania on our opening night.

In our circus tents – lots of hands on activities to share the MIME experience to include the creation of a “THE TRAMP look alike!

We are always asked – why?  how?

Remember the start of the Pandemic?  Linda Dennis purchased the book shown here at a used book store in Charleston.  During one quiet night, she pulled the book off the shelf and out fell the photograph of Paulette Goddard, Charlie Chaplin’s second wife.  It contained a card and thank you from Mrs. Goddard.  Research began.  Linda discovered Chaplin’s comic genius and his use of Pantomime.  Today, with the funding support and classroom teachers requests from Engaging Creative Minds, Linda integrates Chaplin’s movements (facial and body) into reading stories, with the students in bowler/top hats and using white gloves!  Teachers report that the use of Pantomime aids in Reading Comprehension…and their writing.