SC Representative Bakari Sellers visits young scholars!
These budding young journalists get to meet a candidate for the 2014 South Carolina – Lt. Governor!
Charleston, South Carolina

Sanders Clyde School
Bakari Sellers, 2014 Lt. Governor Candidate – SC, visited the A Backpack Journalist, Expanding Day Class at Sanders Clyde today! The students heard from a young man, who walked door to door to secure 2600 signatures over 8 years ago to run for the South Carolina House of Representatives! After elected, he became the second youngest member of the SC House of Representatives, and was immediately involved in making SC laws, and as the students said later: “making it safe for us to ride the school bus with seat belts”, and then also “making sure our lunches are healthier! No more honey buns!”
Bakari, at 6 feet 5 inches, stood before the students and shared his upbringing, and how important education had been to him. Certainly, “I played Basketball”!
He read a lot, watched the news and as he gently put it: “I wanted my teachers to remember me!” He graduated from high school at 16 and college at 20! He also urged the students not to worry or be embarrassed if they were smart! “It’s ok to be a good student and smart!” He attended Morehouse College, and then USC Law School. He is a lawyer.
Once he found out the students were learning all about becoming a writer/journalist, he challenged them to write a letter to the First Lady Michelle Obama! All letters he would personally deliver to Mrs. Obama in a few weeks.
As a part of the learning process for these students, a small group goes with Ms. D to greet the guest at the office, and the remaining students stay in the classroom to rehearse and prepare for their questions. Each student is urged to introduce themselves, offer their hand for a handshake, and welcome in the guest. As they stood today, each stated their name and then asked their question. Bakari sat with them and as the photos show, it was a great one on one!
In the book the class is assembling during this year, Bakari Sellers visit will go on record as being the day the students met a “true modern day hero”. Why? One student asked Bakari what he did to “help people”. His quick answer: “I wake up every morning, thinking about what I can do today to help and be someone’s hero!” The students learned Bakari takes his job as a SC Representative serious, and has been often called upon to help his constituents! (and he does.)
Today, he became a hero to the Sanders Clyde – A backpack journalist – expanding day learning class! Taking time out of his 2014 campaign for Lt. Governor (SC), was appreciated by all.
In closing, we all wish his Mother well as she has undergone a bone marrow transplant! We will remember her in our thoughts and prayers. As Bakari shared her recent health issue the students did bring us to laughter! Bakari explained how the bone marrow transplant worked, and when the students learned that a brother gave to her sister, groans were heard, and the comment, “I am not giving to my sister!” Bakari, realizing that sibling rivalry was common amongst 8-10 year olds, took that moment to give advise that again gave him “hero” status: “Hey you guys, always be good to people! You never know when you might need to rely on them, or you to provide them help as well! ”
To learn more about Bakari Sellers and his message, please visit